Remembering Those Years
Translated by Thaiquan Lieu (aka
Mr Pen )廖泰钧 (亦称 笔先生)
from his Heptasyllabic Regulated Verse no.187
Those years worth
remembering -
Remembering those distant years;
The spring wind was young then,
So was Heaven far above.
Heaven is like a long poem
Which has no closing lines;
Earth is like a piece of fiction,
Being a novella of sorts.
Time has not aged,
But people are getting old;
The pine and cypress are evergreen,
But shades and shadows
have already -
positions moved.
Tonight the Immortal Isle
Is deep down inside my
Door closed, pillow fluffed –
O how much superior this is
To the
proverbial slumber in spring!!!
Ức đương niên (Thất
luật) Bản âm
Liêu Thái Quân
Đương niên trị ức
ức đương niên,
Niên thiếu xuân phong diệc thiếu thiên.
Thiên tự trường thi vô mạt cú,
Địa như tiểu thuyết hữu trung thiên.
Quang âm vị lão nhân tiên lão,
Tùng bách thường thanh ảnh dĩ thiên.
Kim dạ Bồng Lai tâm nội sứ,
Yểm môn cao chẩm thắng xuân miên.
Milton Keynes 30/08/2024
Remember Still?
Translated by Thaiquan Lieu (aka Mr Pen )廖泰钧 (亦称 笔先生)
from his
Heptasyllabic Regulated Verse no.188
still the heart of the water:
When innocent childhood
Enables beautiful scenes to last longer.
Over the Bridge of Sunrise hover
Those charming spots of time,
By the Mound of Jade,
Sits the temple of the Buddhist faith;
In the middle of the Sword-Restoring Lake,
The Tower of Turtle sheds its reflection
Whilst polished lines of verse are being made.
Now rises the Soaring Dragon
Casting a bird’s-eye view over
The thousand-year capital;
Horse dismounted, inhale the aroma
Of flowers, petal after petal.
Forty-six springs have gone by,
But the fond old dream still being kept alive,
Rendering it incredibly hard
To resist contemplation.
Tằng kí phủ ? (Thất luật) Bản âm
Liêu Thái Quân
Quân tằng kí phủ thuỷ trung ương,
Vô kị đồng niên mĩ cảnh trường.
Kiều thượng lương thần sơn lập
Hồ tâm đảo ảnh tháp thành chương.
Thăng Long khám quách thiên niên sử,
Hạ mã văn hoa kỉ biện hương.
Tứ thập lục niên hoàn cựu mộng,
Thử thời nan miễn khởi tư
Milton Keymes 04/09/2024