数字历史:八一建军日有感英译版 廖泰钧

History in Numbers

An English translation of Thaiquan Lieu’s Chinese Heptasyllabic Regulated Verse 七律)

An abrupt end to both the Qin and the Sui
 Who share the same role as the curtain-raiser
 For the Han and the Tang respectively.
The history of the Three Kingdoms has become
  Wonderful material for a literary work;
Constant warfare in the period of the Five Dynasties
  Ends with the unification
  Of the empire by the Song.
The Seven Warring States
  Of the Kingdom of Zhou
  Contend for supremacy,
  The dukedoms of Qi and Chu
  Are finally vanquished;
Then China with its Nine Realms
 Becomes once more a unified state,
 No more barriers between south and north.
Today we mark the Army Day,  August the First,
  A chapter in the History of New China;
The country enjoys peace and security
   Thanks to our military strength.

02/08/2024 于英国  Milton Keyns
